The Courage to Exhale: Finding Freedom in Letting Go
Even as a practitioner of Body Dialogue, exhaling isn’t always easy. I get stuck sometimes, too. Somehow, it’s hard to let go when I’m...

Healing the Blocks to Love
The Angel Oak Tree, Charleston South Carolina, estimated to be between 300-500 years old "Your task is not to seek for love, but merely...

Nourishing Our Nervous Systems in Chaotic Times
Most people probably don’t know that I live with anxiety. People often come up to me and tell me that I seem so calm. The truth is that I...
The Soul in Music
During a music lesson recently, an adult music student was asking about the somatic healing work that I offer. Since somatic means the...

We live in a self-healing universe
I’ve been getting a lot of questions lately about the kind of healing treatments that I offer, so I thought I’d share a bit about my work...

Reflections on Distance Healing 🌀
In Reiki, there is a practice known as distance healing. By using a set of symbols and invocations, a practitioner is able to tune in...